Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Rio's Dentist Bills

2013 starts with trials of its own...

Hello everyone,

With the new year there are new trials to deal with, and one of those would be my incoming dental bills. Starting January 10th I will start the first of several appointments to get my teeth fixed. I will be having to start with 9 fillings, which at that point they will have to determine if one of my teeth requires a crown. While the fillings will be expensive enough, the crown would double what I would be having to come up with money-wise.

As the sole owner of a business, as well as an artist, this just isn't the type of money I can come up with on my own since it is not a very steady paying job, even if I can use a payment plan. This is where my asking for your help comes in..

If you donate $20 I will do a digital sketch of your choice, just include what you're wanting a drawing of in the ChipIn comment when you donate and I will get it to you ASAP. If you donate $50 or more I will do a traditional sketch for you and can mail you the original if you would like. Again, just include your information in the ChipIn comment, and I'll get it right to you.

If instead of donating here you would like to buy something from my Etsy store, that also helps. You can see it at:http://riomccarthy.etsy.com

No matter if you can donate or not, I appreciate you taking the time to take a look at my page. It's very rare when I actually put aside my pride to ask for help, so just know how much any amount of help means to me from the absolute bottom of my heart. Whether you help promote, donate, or just send kind comments - it all means the world to me! Thank you.

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